Protecting and promoting the health of the population of Ukraine through the development and implementation of evidence-based programs for the transformation of public health in Ukraine, based on modern international standards and methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of socially significant diseases.
The protection and improvement of public health in Ukraine is possible only through an inter-sectoral approach to planning and implementation of solutions in the field of public health. To this end, the UCDC as the lead agency of public health in Ukraine follows its mandate to conduct the following main activities:
- Epidemiological monitoring of HIV infection, AIDS, tuberculosis, and other socially significant diseases and relevant programmatic activities, data analysis and dissemination. Coordination of the development and procurement of appropriate software and provision of training;
- Examination of diagnostic testings and adequacy of treatment for people infected with HIV, tuberculosis, and with other socially significant diseases;
- Development of standards and protocols for the prevention, treatment and care for HIV, tuberculosis and other socially significant diseases. Participation in piloting, implementation and procurement of new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of HIV infection, AIDS, tuberculosis, and other socially dangerous diseases;
- Quality assurance of diagnostic laboratories for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and other socially significant diseases, as well as strengthening the capacities of laboratory network in Ukraine;
- Quality assessment and quality assurance of care provided to people living with HIV, TB and other socially significant diseases in health care settings;
- Participation in development of regulations to improve the legislation aimed at preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other socially significant diseases, with a particular focus on bringing national legislation into conformity with international standards;
- Development of proposals to optimize the efficiency of activities to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other socially significant diseases in order to reduce waste of budget funds and other resources;
- Interaction and cooperation with UN technical agencies, international donor agencies, leading international, national, non-governmental organizations, foundations, and other entities involved in the development and implementation of programs to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other socially significant diseases;
- Development and implementation of research and other projects in partnership with international partners;
- Development and dissemination of best practices, guidelines and manuals on program, project and grant implementation in line with internationally-accepted standards and requirements;
- Participation in the design, examination and implementation of training programs for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and other socially significant diseases including programs for secondary, higher educational, and post-graduate institutions;
- Provision of training related to the technical focus of UCDC, and coordination of training programs and activities in the field of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and other socially significant diseases. This includes identifying requirements for capacity building of organizations, and seeking and attracting technical assistance in this area;
- Participation in the development and publication of information, education and communication (IEC) and advocacy materials to raise awareness of health professionals, patients and the public about the rights of people living with HIV, TB and other socially dangerous diseases.
UCDC Strategic priorities
This strategy aims to intensify the pursuit of the six main priorities of UCDC immediately. These strategic priorities are as follows:
Strategic Priority 1: Reduce incidence, disability and mortality from HIV/AIDS;
Strategic Priority 2: Reduce incidence, disability and mortality from tuberculosis;
Strategic Priority 3: Reduce incidence, disability and mortality from other socially significant diseases
Strategic Priority 4: Improve quality of data collection and analysis on socially significant diseases
Strategic Priority 5: Strengthening laboratory services
Strategic Priority 6: Institutional development of UCDC
Each of these priorities is discussed in detail in the following Sections 3 and 4, with a goal stated for each priority area.