Annually, the specialists of the Ukrainian Center for Socially Dangerous Disease Control of the MOH of Ukraine and the Center for Health Statistics of the MOH of Ukraine develop an analytical data book “Tuberculosis in Ukraine” and a package of documents on tuberculosis incidence in the regions of Ukraine.
Analytical data for 2015
Statistics on main tuberculosis indicators for the first six month of 2015
Information on the results of treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis cases registered during 9 months of 2014
Analytical data for 2014
Information on the results of treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis cases registered during the first six months of 2014
Analytical data book “Tuberculosis in Ukraine” for 2014
Statistical data tables - an .xls file for download
Analytical data for 2013
Analytical part concerning the achievements in fighting tuberculosis and ways of overcoming problematic issues in Ukraine, epidemiological situation in Ukraine in 2012-2013;
Tables with statistical data;
Analytical data for 2012
Analytical part concerning the achievements in fighting tuberculosis and ways of overcoming problematic issues in Ukraine, epidemiological situation in Ukraine in 2011-2012;
Tables with statistical data;
Other statistical documents
Statistics on main tuberculosis indicators in 2014
Statistics on main tuberculosis indicators for 9 months of 2014
Laboratory-confirmed cases of MDR-TB in the first half of 2014 (latest update)
Statistics on tuberculosis for 6 months of 2014