To strengthen the state’s capacity to prevent MDR-TB spread, Ukraine has been implementing the grant of the Global Fund in the area of “Tuberculosis” since 2011. The implementation of the grant within the framework of targets and measures of the Nation-Wide Targeted Program to Fight TB allowed not only conducting a comprehensive assessment of the situation with provision of medical assistance, but also getting some additional resources for development of an effective system for fighting TB.
Expenditures for implementation of the Nation-Wide Targeted Program to Fight TB for 2014 amounted to UAH 346,174 thousand, among them UAH 188,507 thousand from the State Budget of Ukraine and UAH 157,667 thousand from the Global Fund.
Procurement of antituberculosis drugs at the costs of the State Budget amounted to UAH 152.9 million, which accounts for 90% of the total costs for antituberculosis drug procurement for 2014, which allowed for provision of continuous treatment to all patients with sensitive TB and 50% of patients with MDR-TB. Other 50% of 2nd-line medications for MDR-TB treatment were received by Ukraine as humanitarian assistance at the cost of the Global Fund.
The information about the course of implementation of the project “Investments for impact on tuberculosis epidemics and HIV-infection” financially supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
TB reporting forms 07 MDR-TB for the 1st quarter of 2015 on patients treated at the cost of the Global Fund
Table 1000
Table 2000
Table 3000
Table 4000
Table 5000
As of 1 September 2015, 6,488 patients enrolled; among them 4.426 patients with multiresistant tuberculosis continue their treatment.
See detailed information
As of 1 August 2015, 6,041 patients enrolled; among them 4.136 patients continue their treatment.
See detailed information
As of 1 July 2015, 5,578 patients enrolled; among them 3,806 patients continue their treatment.
See detailed information
Станом на 1 June 2015, 5,127 patients enrolled; among them 3,573 patients continue their treatment
See detailed information
As of 1 May 2015, 4,758 patients enrolled; among them 3,329 patients continue their treatment
See detailed information
As of 1 March 2015, 4,520 patients enrolled; among them 3,376 patients continue their treatment
See detailed information
As of 1 February 2015, 4,393 patients enrolled; among them 3,409 patients continue their treatment
See detailed information
As of 1 January 2015, 4,067 patients enrolled; among them 3,210 patients continue their treatment
See detailed information