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Розробка Плану дій з профілактики та боротьби з ВІЛ/СНІД в Європейському регіоні ВООЗ на 2016-2021 роки

Development of the Plan for Prevention and Control of HIV / AIDS in the WHO European Region in 2016-2021 years

April 4-5, 2016 in the European office of WHO (m. Copenhagen, Denmark) met the members of the Advisory Committee on the development of the Action Plan for Prevention and Control of HIV / AIDS in the Region in 2016-2021 years, a project that reflects the basic provisions of the Global strategy health sector HIV / AIDS in 2016-2021 years, and objectives of sustainable development, especially in the context of the commitment to end the AIDS epidemic as a threat to public health by 2030.

Implementation of the Action Plan in the Region will be based on new successive political commitments, evidence-based practices, as well as hardware and software innovation.

The work of the advisory committee should be a synthesis of numerous proposals and finalizing the Action Plan to be submitted to the 66th session of the WHO Regional Committee.

The  Advisory Committee of Ukraine includes director of UCDC professor Natalia Nizova and president of ICO "Eastern European and Central Asian Network of People Living with HIV" Vladimir Zhovtyak.