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Важлива інформація для дівчат та жінок щодо ВІЛ/СНІД та безпечної сексуальної поведінки

Important information for women and girls about HIV / AIDS and safe sexual behavior

Women have a higher risk of HIV infection during vaginal sex

Women are more likely to contract HIV during vaginal sex than men for several reasons.
The vagina has a larger area (compared to the penis), which is exposed to HIV-infected semen. Sperm can remain in the vagina for several days after intercourse, which means a longer exposure time virus in women, while men are exposed to HIV-infected fluids only during sex.

The presence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) increases the likelihood of HIV infection. Small irritation to the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals of women is hard to notice, but enough for the virus.

Women can transmit HIV to their partners

HIV-infected women with HIV-negative partners are usually very concerned about the possibility of HIV transmission to the partner. HIV can be transmitted in any sexual contact. This is because HIV is in the blood (including menstrual blood), vaginal fluids and cells of vaginal and anal walls. ART helps significantly reduce the risk of possible infection. However, even receiving ART, you can transmit the virus if:

- You have or have recently had an STD or fungal infection;
- Your partner has or recently had an STD or fungal infection;
- You have been recently infected with HIV.
Safe sexual behavior will help you reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to your partner.

Women who have sex with women

Women who have sex only with women believe they are safer on possible HIV infection. Indeed, infection through sexual contact is rare. Infection is possible via touch of the mucous membranes of the mouth and vaginal secretions or menstrual blood of HIV-infected women or through shared use of syringes and needles. It is desirable that lesbian or bi-sexual women knew about their own HIV status and the status of their partners and used condoms in every sexual contact with men or when using sex toys.

Men "down low"

The term "down low" or "DL" means something very personal to keep a secret. It is used to describe men who have sex with women and periodic contacts with men. However, these people do not consider themselves gay or bi-sexual. Female partners of men do not know that their partner also has sex with one or more men. These women have a higher risk of HIV infection, especially if the male partner had unprotected sex with an HIV-infected man.
Because the DL men do not advertise their relationship to men today, it is impossible to accurately determine the number and estimate the prevalence of this practice sexual life.
Also, it remains unknown how many of these men have HIV and STDs, unprotected sex or injecting drug users.

Information provided by AHF Ukraine