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Mіжрегіональна зустріч з питань покращення якості послуг у сфері ВІЛ/СНІД

Inter-regional meeting on improving the quality of services for HIV / AIDS

25-27 April 2016 in Kyiv USAID-funded project  RESPOND  held a meeting on improving the quality of services in the field of HIV / AIDS.

The purpose of the meeting was to exchange experiences and best practices among participants to improve quality, identify common problems and working out ways to solve them within the package of implementing changes a for the next 3 months.

In addition, participants discussed issues that, according to representatives of the regional teams can help solve problems with the detection of new cases of HIV at earlier stages, namely the reduction of procedures for pre-test counseling to assess physician risk and provide direct testing HIV and discussed the possibility of including diagnostics for HIV using rapid tests as preventive interventions.