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МОЗ за участю партнерів посилює спроможність України у забезпеченні сталості програм з протидії туберкульозу та ВІЛ-інфекції/СНІДу

The Ministry of Health and partners strengthen Ukraine's ability to ensure the sustainability of TB and HIV/AIDS programs

May 19, 2016 in the Ministry of Health of Ukraine the mission of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Ukraine and Acting Minister of Health Viktor Shafransky had a meeting to discuss issues related to security and stability of programs for prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and contribution of the Government and international donors into implemention of these programs.

The meeting was held with the participation of the leadership of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the mission of the Global Fund, SI "Ukrainian center for socially dangerous diseases control of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", as well as representatives of international organizations, which carry significant contribution to the consolidation of efforts to combat TB and HIV / AIDS in Ukraine, including the US Agency for international development (USAID) and organizations that form part of the United Nations (UNAIDS, WHO, UNICEF).

During the meeting Viktor Shafransky said that thanks to the cooperation with the Global Fund Ukraine received additional opportunities to expand the scope of services to patients with TB/HIV, equal access key risk groups for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care and support in HIV/TV and strengthened the capabilities of civil society in ensuring the provision of services based on the needs of key populations affected by HIV/TB.