Responsible Nation's Health Forming
On October 11, 2016 the press conference on the theme: "October - International Month of Struggle against breast cancer" was held at UNIAN IA. Ukraine is on its way towards on the way towards the system of public health formation.
The participants of the press event were the representatives of medicine, public, business and state bodies:
During the press conference some practical steps towards the formation a concept of a healthy lifestyle in Ukraine, particularly in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases.
Professor Natalia Nizova - General Director of the Ukrainian Center for Public Health Ministry of Health of Ukraine outlined:
"Every Ukrainian has a responsible attitude towards healthy lifestyle keeping and responsible attitude to thier health . And that responsibility lies in three areas:
state responsibility and prevention programs;
responsibility of parents for the health of their children;
responsibility of the healthcare industry.
Thus the Ministry of Health of Ukraine timely decision on the organization of the Public Health Center, fully meets the purpose of the European Health Strategy 2020. The agenda of the Centre for Public Health - development and dissemination of the prevention programs in Ukraine, providing epidemiological monitoring of noncommunicable diseases and one of the most important factors - social and community responsibility for maintaining health. "