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Co-Infections (Tuberculosis and Viral Hepatitis)

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease triggered by a pathogen, i.e. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, which is characterized by the formation of specific granulomas in various organs and tissues (specific tuberculosis inflammation) in combination with non-specific reactions and polymorphic clinical picture, depending on the shape, phase, location and prevalence of pathological process.

The source of TB infection - a sick man pulmonary tuberculosis. When you cough formed infectious particles (aerosol) secretions from the lower respiratory tract diameter less than 5 microns, which are Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT). For one push pertussis formed 3000 infectious particles. Infectious aerosols may also be formed when talking, sneezing, singing and kept in the air for a long time. Direct solar irradiation eliminates MBT in sputum infectious particles in 5 minutes.

Transmission of TB infection from an infected person to a healthy is airborne, preferably indoors. Infection occurs by inhalation of air containing the pathogen. Two factors determine the risk of penetration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lungs of a healthy person, the pathogen concentration in air and duration of inhalation of contaminated air.

In HIV-infected patients TB and the development of secondary tuberculosis develops more frequently than in HIV-negative patients. Patients with HIV infection are more favorable to the re-infection especially in family centers, private groups and in detention.

Due to the progression of HIV infection and CD4 cells decrease of less than 50-80 / ml reduced the ability of the immune system to prevent tuberculosis. In case of severe immunodeficiency increases the frequency of extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

The main symptoms that may indicate the presence of tuberculosis are:

    cough for 2-3 weeks or more;
    chest pain;
    coughing up blood;
    weight loss;
    prolonged fever;
    night sweats;
    loss of appetite.

Tuberculosis - curable disease, provided timely treatment initiation and regular use of drugs.