Вебінар з лікування МР ТБ бедаквіліном у дітей та підлітків
Запрошуємо всіх фахівців з туберкульозу долучитися до онлайн вебінару «Лікування МР ТБ бедаквіліном у дітей та підлітків: глобальні рекомендації та програмний досвід Білорусії». Захід проводиться за підтримки DR-TB STAT та the Sentinel Project.
Вебінар розпочне доктор Дженіфер Фурін з оновлення інформації про глобальні рекомендації щодо застосування нових та перевизначених препаратів для лікування туберкульозу. Згодом доктор Скрахіна зосередиться на проміжних результатах використання бедаквіліну в лікуванні дітей і підлітків з мультирезистентним туберкульозом т в Білорусі.
Для підключення до вебінару, необхідно перейти за посиланням
Пароль для під’єднання: MDRTB
Дата проведення: 26 травня, о 17:00 за Київським часом.
З усіма запитаннями звертайтеся до організаторів: Sentinel_Project@hms.harvard.edu
Детальніше про вебінар:
Join us on Friday, May 26th from 10:00-11:00 EDT (16:00-17:00 CET) for a presentation from Dr. Alena Skrahina entitled “MDR-TB Treatment with Bedaquiline in Children and Adolescents: Global Recommendations and Program Experience in Belarus.” Co-sponsored by DR-TB STAT and the Sentinel Project, this webinar will begin with an update on global guidelines for the use of new and re-purposed TB drugs by commentator Dr. Jennifer Furin. Subsequently, Dr. Skrahina will focus on interim results of bedaquiline use in the treatment of children and adolescents with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in Belarus, including the acceptability of bedaquiline-containing regimens, culture conversion results, and the occurrence of adverse events. Dr. Skrahina and Dr. Furin will be joined by Dr. James Seddon as moderator. Please see below for instructions on how to connect via WebEx.There will not be a dial-in option for this webinar.
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The event password for attendees is: MDRTB
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About the Presenter Dr. Alena Skrahina, Scientific Director of the National Centre for Pulmonology and Tuberculosis, Deputy Manager of the National TB Program (Belarus).
Alena Skrahina, MD, PhD, DSc, is the Scientific Director of the National Centre for Pulmonlogy and Tuberculosis (TB) and Deputy Manager of the National TB Program of Belarus. Her work in the field of respiratory medicine and TB involves a combination of clinical practice, research and administrative activities. As a clinician, she treats patients with respiratory diseases and TB. Since 2005, she has been involved in organizing and conducting research in experimental, clinical, and epidemiological areas of TB, M/XDR-TB and HIV/TB; managing the National TB Program; and participating in various international activities, including WHO and research projects.
Commentator Dr. Jennifer Furin, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Division of Infectious Diseases & HIV Medicine.
Jennifer Furin is an infectious disease physician and anthropologist who has dedicated her career to providing health care for the sick and poor around the world. She received her PhD in medical anthropology from UCLA in 1995 and her MD from Harvard Medical School in 1999. She has implemented programs for patients with HIV and TB in resource-poor settings, including Haiti, Peru, Russia, Boston, South Africa, and Lesotho. Dr. Furin has worked with patients who have MDR-TB since 1995 and has treated hundreds of children with the disease. She currently leads the Capacity Building Task Force at the Sentinel Project on Pediatric Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and serves as a regular consultant and strong advocate for children and families affected by this disease.
Moderator Dr. James Seddon, Clinical Lecturer, Imperial College London, Department of Medicine.
James Seddon is a Clinician Scientist based out of Imperial College London. He trained in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and now divides his time between clinical work and research. His main area of research is the epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis infection and disease in children, particularly drug-resistant forms. During 2017 he is spending six months on a Fulbright Scholarship at the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School to evaluate different strategies to combat drug-resistant tuberculosis in children.